HolyCoast: 71% of Republicans Support the Tea Party
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

71% of Republicans Support the Tea Party

I don't think we need to worry about the GOP taking over the Tea Party.  The Tea Party is taking over the GOP:
In the survey, 71% of Republicans described themselves as tea-party supporters, saying they had a favorable image of the movement or hoped tea- party candidates would do well in the Nov. 2 elections…

The poll found that tea-party supporters make up one-third of the voters most likely to cast ballots in November’s midterm elections. This showed the movement “isn’t a small little segment, but it is a huge part of what’s driving 2010,” Mr. Hart said…

The tea party is a major driver of the so-called enthusiasm gap, with three-quarters of supporters saying they are intensely interested in the election…

Mr. McInturff said the tea-party movement had not necessarily drawn new people into the GOP. Rather, he said, “a substantial chunk of the Republican Party is rebranding themselves.”
The other 29% are trying to get people like Mike Castle and Lisa Murkowski elected and bashing Sarah Palin.

And they're failing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I only wish the Tea Party had started earlier. Here in Missouri we have to choose the lesser of two evils for the Senate, Obama's rubber stamp, Robin Carnahan, or Roy Blunt, both from families with many ties in our political landscape. It would be an easy choice but for Carnahan ads about Blunt's ties to lobbyists and other "inside Washington" deals. The issue of corruption could and should be a real unifying thing for the TP. I guess I'll just hold my nose and vote Blunt, THIS TIME.