HolyCoast: Bill Clinton: Oops
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Monday, September 20, 2010

Bill Clinton: Oops

Bill Clinton promised Democrats that once Obamacare was passed the ratings for it and those who supported it would go up:
Former president Bill Clinton, a champion of healthcare reform, admitted on Sunday that he made the wrong prediction about the popularity of President Obama’s healthcare bill.

Initially, Clinton had predicted that the polls in favor of Democrats would be boosted as soon as the legislation was signed into law. Instead, Clinton said on NBC’s "Meet the Press," his prediction was wrong for two reasons.

"First of all, the benefits of the bill are spread out of three or four years. It takes a long time to implement. And secondly, there has been an enormous and highly effective attack on it,” he said.
Bill left something out. He forgot to mention that the bill was passed over the objection of a majority of Americans. That tends to make them cranky.

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