HolyCoast: Democrats Write Off Charlie Crist
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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Democrats Write Off Charlie Crist

Democrats had hoped if their candidate in the Florida Senate race didn't win, perhaps independent Charlie Crist would win and agree to caucus with the Democrats, effectively giving them the win. Crist's numbers, however, are tanking and it now appears the Dems have written him off with this press release, the first attack they've made on poor old Charlie:
Greer And Crist Spent Thousands Of Dollars Jet-Setting Around Country For Personal Reasons On Republican Party Of Florida’s Expense

Destinations Include New York, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, And Island Home Of Crist’s Wife

Charlie Crist is facing increasing heat over a new audit of the Republican Party of Florida, which showed that Crist’s handpicked party chair Jim Greer spent hundreds of thousands of dollars of party fund’s inappropriately. According to the Orlando Sentinel, Crist and Greer spent Republican party dollars jet setting to such far off destinations as New York, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles. Crist even spent party money to fly to his wife’s island home.

The current chair of the Republican Party of Florida, John Thrasher, has said that Crist “had to know this [inappropriate lavish spending] was going on,” and that the party will release the audit today. The Republican Party of Florida may go to court to get the money that was spent inappropriately back.

“Charlie Crist may talk about fiscal restraint on the campaign trail but he cannot escape the reality of his lavish spending on the dime of the Florida Republican Party,” said DSCC National Press Secretary Deirdre Murphy. “If Crist wants to be trusted, it is time for him to answer for his record of inappropriate spending.”
Marco Rubio now has a comfortable lead over both Crist and Dem Kendrick Meek. If Crist is taking votes away from anyone, it's not Rubio.

Crist is yet another of the sore loser caucus of the establishment GOP, and like his confederates Lisa Murkowski, Arlen Specter and Mike Castle, will go down to defeat.

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