HolyCoast: It's Now Official: Print is Dead
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Sunday, September 19, 2010

It's Now Official: Print is Dead

It's hard to read this any other way:
Howard Fineman is leaving Newsweek, where he has worked for the past thirty years, and is joining The Huffington Post.

Mr. Fineman will be the senior political editor for Arianna Huffington’s Web site. He will cover national politics, augmenting the site’s existing staff of political reporters.

He will remain a paid analyst for MSNBC, the cable news channel.

“The digital world is where the action is in my line of work, and The Huffington Post is at the center of the new paradigm,” Mr. Fineman said in a news release Sunday afternoon.

His exit is another sharp blow for Newsweek, which was sold by The Washington Post Company to Sidney Harman in August. At that time, the editor in chief Jon Meacham resigned, and since then, Fareed Zakaria has moved to Time magazine; Dan Gross has moved to Yahoo Finance; Michael Hirsh has moved to National Journal; and Lally Weymouth has moved to The Washington Post.
I guess having his entire company sold for $1 was kind of a wake-up call for Fineman. And at the HuffPo he can indulge his lefty tendencies without having to pretend he's a moderate.


Nightingale said...

Too bad for him he's left one sinking ship for another.

Sam L. said...

PuffHo is not a new paradigm, it's a parapenny. Or a paracentavo.