HolyCoast: Jimmuh Carter: I Am the Greatest!
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Monday, September 20, 2010

Jimmuh Carter: I Am the Greatest!

The greatest living ex-president, that is:
Speaking with NBC’s Brian Williams in an interview released today, former President Jimmy Carter admits he has a not-so-humble view of his current role. In response to a question regarding a photo showing Carter standing off to the side of his presidential colleagues, Carter cited his post-administration work while claiming superiority:

“I feel that my role as a former president is probably superior to that of other presidents, primarily because of the activism… .”

He went on to say that his center has had to fill a vacuum in the world left when others — it’s unclear if he means just former presidents or current ones too — “won’t address troubled areas”.
His ego is even repelling the other presidents, and that's not easy to do in a room full of big egos.

If he'd just stuck to building houses for poor people his assessment of his role as ex-president might have been a little closer to reality. However, Jimmuh often tried to make himself de-facto president by interfering with foreign affairs and criticizing America while on foreign soil.  He got in the way more than he helped.  Thanks to Jimmuh North Korea has nukes, Iran has religious wackos leading the country, and the Palestinians think they have a lot more support in America than they really do.  Jimmuh's a menace.


Deb said...

ahhh....his delusions of grandeur....

Henry Middleton said...

Funny Jimmy Carter memorial: http://www.roadsideamerica.com/tip/5627

I love this quote: "One of the oddest memorials to an American president -- a big, grinning goober outside of a mini-mart in Jimmy Carter's home town."