HolyCoast: The Midterm Meltdown
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Wednesday, September 01, 2010

The Midterm Meltdown

The Financial Times has sobering news for Democrats:
Barack Obama’s Democratic party faces a series of dramatic defeats at every level of government in Washington and beyond in the November midterm elections, according to leading analysts and opinion polls.

The University of Virginia’s widely monitored Crystal Ball will on Wednesday forecast sweeping setbacks on Capitol Hill and the loss of a clutch of state governorships on November 2....

“Voters are going to deliver a big fat message to President Obama, which he will not want to hear,” said Larry Sabato, who runs Crystal Ball. “The Republican base is at least 50 degrees further to the right than where it was when Newt Gingrich took control of the House in 1994, so we would be looking at two years of absolutely nothing getting done on Capitol Hill.”
And that last sentence is music to my ears. Doing nothing would be an improvement over what's going on now.

Read the whole thing here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We need reversals and repeals, even if those repeals are vetoed. By forcing the POTUS to veto repealed legislation, more pressure can be brought to bear on The Left.

Doing nothing will not only not get it done, it will give The Left plenty of grist for the mill of misinformation that the Alphabet Media will grind leading up to 2012 in their effort to retain the first Marxist President ever.