HolyCoast: The New Reagan Republicans
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Saturday, September 04, 2010

The New Reagan Republicans

Except they're not Republicans at all, but big-spending Democrats who are now trying to pretend they didn't support the Big Government Obama agenda:
The candidate was outraged - just outraged - at the country's sorry fiscal state.

"We have managed to acquire $13 trillion of debt on our balance sheet," he fumed to a roomful of voters. "In my view, we have nothing to show for it."

And that was a Democrat, Sen. Michael Bennet of Colorado, who voted "yes" on the stimulus, the health-care overhaul, increased education funding and other costly bills Congress approved under his party's control.

Faced with a potential wipeout in November's midterm elections, candidates such as Bennet are embracing budget cuts with the enthusiasm of Reagan Republicans.
There was a time when people like Bennet might have gotten away with this - back when the only news came from three liberal TV networks and your local liberal newspaper. Those sources wouldn't have bothered to report his hypocrisy. Those days are gone and I expect Mr. Bennet's poor choices in both voting history and campaign rhetoric will be fully exposed to the voters of Colorado.


Anonymous said...

Oliver North's latest column just proves how backward Obama has been in his attempts at governing. NORTH FOR PRESIDENT 2012

The (Postponed) Wisdom of Oliver North

Rick Moore said...

While I like North personally, there's not a chance in the world he could be elected president.

Sam L. said...

Can't trust those Dems.