HolyCoast: This is How You Respond to Attacks
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Monday, September 20, 2010

This is How You Respond to Attacks

I mentioned this story briefly yesterday, but it deserves a little more attention, not so much because of the facts but because the way Christine O'Donnell is handling the attacks from all sides:
Republican Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell is making light of comments she made more than a decade ago when she was in high school about having dabbled in witchcraft.

"How many of you didn't hang out with questionable folks in high school?" she asked fellow Republicans at a GOP picnic in southern Delaware on Sunday.

"There's been no witchcraft since. If there was, Karl Rove would be a supporter now," O'Donnell jokingly assured the crowd.
Rove would be a supporter...or a frog, as I mentioned yesterday.

What I like about this response is it's exactly what I've been preaching for a long time - don't respond with anger, respond with humor, sarcasm and ridicule. It's amazingly effecting at combating attacks.  The attacker is trying to get an angry, hurt reaction and when they're greeted with a witty comeback they simply don't know what to do.  The attack falls apart.

Sarah Palin is probably one of the best at this, as was Ronald Reagan.  Palin has been the subject of innumerable assaults on her character, intelligence, her family, etc., and yet has managed to deftly deflect those attacks with humor.  Rather than get in a shouting match in the newspapers or TV talking heads shows, she posts something on Facebook and the next thing you know everybody is reporting it.  She's been incredibly effective at knocking back the opposition.

There are a number of conservative bloggers who could use a dose of this as well.  Several of the big conservative blog sites are cannibalizing each other over either their support for Mike Castle or support for Christine O'Donnell.  I really don't want to have a Rodney King moment, but c-c-c-can't we all just get along and instead of trying to prove how smart we are just band together and try to get a Republican elected in Delaware?  Like her or not, O'Donnell is the nominee and the conservative infighting needs to stop.

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