HolyCoast: You Mean We Haven't Had it Yet?
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

You Mean We Haven't Had it Yet?

Many years ago I flew from Los Angeles to Kansas City with a stop along the way in Denver.  As our plane descended over the Rockies we pretty much got the stuffing kicked out of us.  We were crossing the front range and heading down into the bowl where Denver is and the pilot came on the intercom and said:
"We may encounter a little turbulence as we make our final descent."
One wag in the back of the plane yelled out:
"You mean we haven't hit it yet??"
I'm reminded of that story as I read this:
President Barack Obama is urging college students at a Wisconsin campaign rally to stick with him and vote in the Nov. 2 elections, promising that “change is gonna come.”

Obama is trying to rally the Democratic base ahead of critical midterm elections that are expected to be dismal for the party.
You mean we haven't hit the change yet??  How much worse is it gonna be?

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