HolyCoast: NAGS: Jerry Brown Must Fire His Wife
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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

NAGS: Jerry Brown Must Fire His Wife

The National Association of Gals was somewhat embarrassed by their endorsement of Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown, coming just a day after someone on Brown's staff called Meg Whitman a "whore".   They're now calling for the firing of whoever said the dreaded word, but that could be problematic:
Count the National Organization for Women among those unsatisfied with state Atty. Gen. Jerry Brown's debate apology for the campaign staffer who called Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman a "whore."

A statement on NOW's website from President Terry O'Neill said Brown's comments Tuesday night did not go far enough.

"While our California chapter's Political Action Committee voted to endorse Brown on the basis of his support for women's rights, the National Organization for Women clearly and unequivocally condemns calling Meg Whitman, or any woman, a whore," the statement reads. "This term is hate speech that carries with it negative connotations associated with women, and it has no place in contemporary society. NOW calls on Brown to fire any member of his staff who uses this word or any hate speech against women."
Here's where it gets problematic:
Fox News is claiming it has sources whom have identified the person in Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown's campaign who called Republican challenger Meg Whitman a "whore."

The comment was accidentally recorded on voice mail after Brown thought he hung up the phone after leaving a message for the Los Angeles Police Union.

Fox News says people with knowledge of what happened say it was Brown's wife who suggested calling Whitman a "whore," for cutting a deal to get the union's endorsement.
He won't miss her. She was probably just there for appearances anyway.


Montana said...

Snore, snore, boring....NEXT!

Rick Moore said...

Must be a slow night at Palomar Community College, eh, Montana?

Nightingale said...

So the NAGS don't like the "whore" reference, but they don't mind that Jerry thinks mammograms are a waste of time?

What a bunch.