HolyCoast: UN: Glaciers Will Give You Cancer
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Friday, December 10, 2010

UN: Glaciers Will Give You Cancer

Well, don't eat them.  But eating them isn't the purported danger:
Melting glaciers and ice sheets are releasing cancer-causing pollutants into the air and oceans, scientists say.

The long-lasting chemicals get into the food chain and build up in people’s bodies – triggering tumours, heart disease and infertility.

The warning comes in new international study into the links between climate change and a class of man-made toxins called persistent organic pollutants.

The study – due to be published next month – says rising temperatures and more extreme weather are increasing human exposure to pollutants around the world, including in Britain.
Of course, all this comes as record low temperatures are hitting Cancun, the site of the UN global Warming Conference.

It's interesting that as climate con-men get more and more desperate the doom-and-gloom scenarios they have to peddle become more and more extreme as they attempt to get the world's attention to their misguided theories.

I think we can safely go back to eating glaciers.

1 comment:

Nightingale said...

"Persistent organic pollutants?"

More like these folks are in some persistent vegetative state.