HolyCoast: 19 Democrats Refuse to Vote for Pelosi
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Wednesday, January 05, 2011

19 Democrats Refuse to Vote for Pelosi

I wondered yesterday how many Democrats might not vote for Nancy Pelosi for Speaker.  The answer today is 19 (from Jim Geraghty):
It is helpful to the National Republican Congressional Committee that some incumbent House Democrats publicly self-identified that they were extremely vulnerable if they're tied to Nancy Pelosi.

It appears there are at least 19 Democrats who could not afford to see "voted to make Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House" ads in their districts in fall 2012.

Reps. Jason Altmire of Pennsylvania, Dan Boren of Oklahoma, Jim Cooper of Tennessee, Joe Donnelly of Indiana, Tim Holden of Pennsylvania, Larry Kissell of North Carolina, Mike McIntyre of North Carolina, Jim Matheson of Utah, Mike Michaud of Maine, Mike Ross of Arkansas, and Heath Shuler of North Carolina voted for Shuler as Speaker.

John Barrow of Georgia and Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona voted for Georgia Democrat John Lewis for Speaker.

In a cute show of mutual admiration, Reps. Dennis Cardoza and Jim Costa of California voted for each other.

Rep. Ron Kind of Wisconsin voted for Cooper; Rep. Daniel Lipinski of Illinois voted for Rep. Marcy Kaptur of Ohio; Rep. Kurt Schrader of Oregon voted for Steny Hoyer of Maryland; and Rep. Sanford Bishop of Georgia voted "present."
Interestingly, Pelosi got one less vote for Speaker than Boehner did in 2009.

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