HolyCoast: America's Worst Governor
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Friday, January 14, 2011

America's Worst Governor

I thought for sure this title would easily go to Jerry Brown in California, but I think it will probably be won going away by former RINO Lincoln Chaffee in Rhode Island
When talk radio hosts use harshly divisive language, "The advertisers should shut them down," Governor Lincoln Chafee said this morning.

Chafee said the solution to the vitriolic rhetoric -- which some have linked to the shooting of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords over the weekend -- is for people to stop paying for it, including not buying books from people who use such language.

Chafee made his comments in response to reporters' questions after a meeting on health care. He noted that he had been a target of violence-tinged criticism himself. In 2006, conservative commentator Ann Coulter wrote a column, "They shot the wrong Lincoln," and calling then-Senator Chafee a "half-wit."

Chafee made national news earlier this week when he announced that he would not go on talk radio and would ban state employees from doing so.

The ban came because talk radio is essentially "ratings-driven, for-profit programming" that was not appropriate use of state employees' time, Chafee said. His spokesman said it had been in the works long before the shooting in Arizona.
Coulter was being charitable.

So, can I assume that because TV networks, with the exception of PBS, are ratings-driven, for-profit enterprises he won't be doing any interviews there either?  And what about radio news shows?  Aren't they symbols of capitalism and evil too?

What a moron.

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