HolyCoast: The First State Approved Megachurch Service
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Thursday, January 13, 2011

The First State Approved Megachurch Service

That's essentially how The PJ Tatler describes last night's memorial in Tucson:
Last night we may have witnessed the 21st Century's first spiritual gathering in which our political leaders become High Priests too. There were no Jewish rabbis or Catholic and Christian clergy who represented the faiths of those who actually died or were terribly maimed. Instead, the University of Arizona offered up secular political leaders to serve as our spiritual leaders. They were the ones who were there to salve our wounds. They were the ones to quote from the Old and New Testaments, to cite from proverbs, psalms and other scriptures. We witnessed a national secular religious event. If that sounds like a contradiction in terms, welcome to the New World of religious secularism. We may be seeing the "new normal" of a religious ethos being born before our very eyes: Government becomes the new church.

... is it possible that we caught a glimpse of the New Spirituality of the 21st Century where government serves as guardians of our spiritual health as well as our physical health? Did we see secular new priests emerge who ready to supplant our traditional Christian-Judaic clergy? And indirectly, did we also get a peek into the culture of our modern universities and of the kind of the values that are being imparted to the next generation?
I thought it was a little odd that we had Eric Holder and Janet Napolitano reading the scriptures.  And I'm really surprised there wasn't a Wiccan priestess or two involved in the whole thing.  They would have fit right in.


Larry Sheldon said...

You know, it sort of stands to reason that the would go after the only part of the Constitution they have not sullied.

Larry Sheldon said...

I have not yet found enough Maalox to get through the whole thing--it really is pretty dreadful. (Including especially the TelePrompter's speech).

I am seriously worried about the people who are now telling me how wonderful it was.

But I was struck by the blocking of the program, how much it resembled Beck's 8/28 rally (not so much the content, but the layout).