HolyCoast: Marin County - It's Not Just for White People Anymore
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Friday, January 14, 2011

Marin County - It's Not Just for White People Anymore

And HUD is going to make sure of that:
Marin County has agreed to research why it has so few minority residents relative to the rest of the Bay Area and to take specific actions to attract more low-income people and ethnic minorities to the affluent county, which is more than 80 percent white. [...]

In its report, HUD noted that “even among its relatively small minority population, persons of black race and Hispanic ethnicity are largely clustered in two minority-impacted census tracts,” blacks in the housing projects of Marin City and Hispanics in the canal zone of San Rafael.
And what about the housekeepers and gardening staff? Don't they count for anything?

Maybe HUD would be happy if Marin sent some ships across the Bay to Oakland to snatch some minorities off the street and bring them to the promised land.  That's been proven to be pretty effective at increasing the minority population.

HUD is another one of those federal agencies that could be eliminated and instantly improve the country.

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