HolyCoast: Michael Scott Will Exit The Office Before the End of the Season
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Friday, January 14, 2011

Michael Scott Will Exit The Office Before the End of the Season

The Office is one of our favorite shows, and frankly I'm not sure how they'll be able to continue once Steve Carell leaves at the end of this season.  He's such a huge part of nearly every storyline.

However, insiders say that Carell will actually leave the series several episodes before the season ends in order to allow the series to develop without him without waiting until next season:
You know that tear-filled May season finale of The Office featuring Steve Carell's swan song as Michael Scott we've all been expecting? Turns out Carell won't be in it. That's because Michael will actually leave Scranton (or at least Dunder-Mifflin) about a month before the season ends, according to Office show-runner Paul Lieberstein (also, Toby). "Steve will have a number of episodes that dramatize and lead up to Steve leaving," the producer tells Vulture. "Then we'll continue on for about four more episodes, and the spring will prove to be not about an actor leaving, but what happens in an office when a manager leaves and the chaos ensues and people vie for the job and are uncertain about their future." Producers chose this path because it was important for them to make sure the second half of the season wasn't all about Michael moving on. "It was about focusing the spring on the office and everybody else, and not just a character going. If the show was ending, it would be about that. But it's not." So does this mean we'll find out who the new boss is by season's end, or are producers planning a May cliff-hanger?

"I can't say yet," Lieberstein says. But he did confirm that the show will explore both internal and external candidates as replacements for Michael. And the latter scenario means "we are talking about guest stars" coming in to basically interview for the gig.
We'll see if they can pull it off without Carell. Some series have managed to lose key stars and still function, such as M*A*S*H losing Henry Blake and Trapper John or Cheers losing Diane Chambers and Coach, but that's the exception to the rule. I have my doubts that M*A*S*H could have survived the loss of Hawkeye Pierce or Cheers the loss of Sam Malone.

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