HolyCoast: NASA Names Back-up Commander for Final Shuttle Mission
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Thursday, January 13, 2011

NASA Names Back-up Commander for Final Shuttle Mission

Mark Kelly, husband of wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, is scheduled to be the commander of the final Space Shuttle mission in April.  Because of his current family circumstances NASA is readying a back-up:
NASA announced a backup shuttle commander Thursday in case they need to replace the astronaut-husband of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who was wounded in a mass shooting last weekend.

Officially, Capt. Mark Kelly, who is Giffords' husband of more than three years, is still the commander for the final scheduled flight of the space shuttle program, NASA said. The shuttle Endeavour is scheduled to launch on April 19 on a trip to the International Space Station.

Kelly was named commander in 2009 and has been in training for 17 months. Being chosen to lead the last shuttle flight is a big honor, NASA spokesman Michael Curie said.

Just in case Kelly can't fly as his wife recovers from a gunshot to the head, his spot will be taken by veteran shuttle commander Rick Sturckow (STUR'-koh) who is the agency's deputy chief astronaut.
This guy has probably been Kelly's back-up for a long time. They usually name a primary and back-up crew and both go through training together.

My guess is that NASA, Obama and everyone else will do everything they can to get Kelly on that flight. It would be a shame for him to miss this historic opportunity, and the PR value of him commanding the flight is something NASA won't want to lose.

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