HolyCoast: Indiana Dem Legislators Consider Fleeing Their Responsibilities Too
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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Indiana Dem Legislators Consider Fleeing Their Responsibilities Too

Looks like skirt-hiking and fleeing are becoming all the rage among Democrat legislators:
In Indiana, a House committee on Monday approved legislation to change state law so that private-sector workers no longer would be required to pay dues or belong to a union that bargains on their behalf. Unions say this would erode union membership, and eventually their finances and political clout, if workers decided not to join or pay dues. Supporters say the change would make the state more competitive and attract employers.

Democratic representatives in Indiana caucused into the night Monday, discussing a possible walkout to deny Republicans a quorum. They plan to meet again Tuesday morning. Rep. David Niezgodski of South Bend said Monday night that some Democrats are considering a walkout, contending the majority "are waging a war on the middle class now, in a way we've never seen before."
This whole public unions vs. state government thing has been quite instructive for voters. They're seeing just how in the pockets of the unions the Dems are, and how the entitlement mentality has infected the public service unions. This whole unions über alles strategy of the Dems will come back to bite them in 2012.


Anonymous said...

What kills me is that people are MADE to join a union?!? Really? That is so... I'm at a loss for words. If people want to join, yay for them. The unions can say "join, pay dues", like any other club. But to work somewhere, and to just be signed up is insipid.

Atlanta Roofing said...

How did the Unions AKA working America cause the financial crisis America barely exists through? Wall Street gets bonuses paid for from tax revenues and cancelled social programs. Who caused the unemployme­nt in this country, the worker? No unemployme­nt benefits extensions from Congress but any amount of money for Wall Street and Banking Executives­. Banking fees going up, up, up Wall Street Bonuses going up, up, up benefits for out of work middle class down, down, down. Republican­s want to balance(?) both State and Federal budget short falls on the backs of the unemployed­, sick, hungry, and elderly while maintainin­g all the special subsidies to big business, the war machine and the rich. This is nothing short of Government denial of life sustaining public program and services to needy American, Washington­’s version of “let them eat cake”. Has the tree of liberty died for lack of tending? Was Jefferson correct when he stated: “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with…” and “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent” It time Americans of good conscience were heard across the land, stop the Teapublica­ns tyranny against the working American.

MikeyJ said...

Good spouting of Dem talking points Atlanta. Perhaps though, you may want to do your own research into these matters to determine the accuracy of your alleagations.

Your bias is showing, and it does not comport with the facts.