HolyCoast: Political Hack Judge Halts Wisconsin Union Reform Law
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Friday, March 18, 2011

Political Hack Judge Halts Wisconsin Union Reform Law

Dane County Circuit Judge Maryann Sumi issued a temporary restraining order Friday, barring the publication of a controversial new law that would sharply curtail collective bargaining for public employees.

Sumi’s order will prevent Secretary of State Doug La Follette from publishing the law until she can rule on the merits of the case. Dane County Ismael Ozanne is seeking to block the law because he says a legislative committee violated the state’s open meetings law.

Sumi said Ozanne was likely to succeed on the merits.
This is a judge with a history of ignoring the law and ruling in favor of unions.

There is, however, an easy way to fix this. Since the dispute is not over the union reform law itself but over the open meetings law, and since the Fleebaggers have now returned to Madison, simply vote and pass the original law as intended. Gov. Walker can sign the new bill and that will render the open meetings complaint completely moot.

Either way, I expect Walker's union reform bill to become law in Wisconsin sooner or later.  The best efforts of the Democrats and their lackeys will not stop it.

UPDATE:  Legal Insurrection has a good idea:
But if a re-vote is required, I suggest the Republicans include the police unions this time.  The police unions have acted dishonorably throughout this controversy, from an off-duty police union member encouraging civil disobedience and suggesting that the police would refuse to follow direction from the legislature, to the statewide police union which sent intimidating letters to businesses demanding support for the unions.

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