HolyCoast: Unions May Help Stop Crazy EPA Regulations
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Monday, March 14, 2011

Unions May Help Stop Crazy EPA Regulations

I haven't had a chance to say anything nice about unions lately, but perhaps they power they hold over Democrats can be used for good:
Now that labor has its hackles up, EPA suddenly reconsidering the science behind its policies -- "Now that labor unions are joining the chorus" against EPA regulations, "the pressure on the agency is intensifying," reports the Wall Street Journal. "Some Democrats, worried about potential job losses in industrial states, are already urging the EPA to slow down its push to combat climate change." The EPA has pushed back against such criticisms, arguing that "some of the rules in question have yet to be proposed" and that "history shows the benefits of tougher environmental rules greatly outweigh the costs," while out the other side of its mouth, the agency has said "that it needs more time to consider the science behind them or review comments from affected groups." Which is why "EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, or her top aide on air quality, Regina McCarthy, has recently spoken with representatives of several unions that collectively have given tens of millions of dollars over the years to Democratic candidates. Among them: the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, the Utility Workers Union and the United Mine Workers."
The Dems will do whatever the unions want, and unions want lots of jobs guaranteed in industrial states. EPA regulations to stop combat "global warming" will kill jobs in lots of industries using union labor.

Use your power for good, unions, use it for good. Tell the EPA to back off.

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