HolyCoast: House Democrats Beclown Themselves
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Friday, April 15, 2011

House Democrats Beclown Themselves

The Democrats in the House of Representatives are too busy playing childish games to worry about fixing the budget (from today's budget votes via The Daily Caller):
At least one of the votes was not, however, without some classic last-minute congressional drama. In the middle of the vote on the RSC budget — which cuts even more from the federal budget than Ryan’s plan that the party leadership has endorsed — 172 Democrats switched their “no” votes to “present” in an effort to trick Republicans into passing the alternative proposal through.

“Democrats, vote present!” shouted Minority Whip Steny Hoyer over the noise of the room, prompting his caucus to pull the switch on the trap, which Democratic leaders had secretly planned the morning of the vote.

“Shut it down!” Ryan yelled when he caught wind of what was going on.

Republicans who voted “yes” on the plan quickly were forced to switch to “no” so the bill wouldn’t pass.

Had it worked, the procedural maneuver would have been embarrassing to the GOP, who are standing behind Ryan’s budget.

The House passed Ryan’s budget — and only Ryan’s budget — a few hours later.
Steny Hoyer needs a red rubber nose and floppy shoes...but then he might be confused with Nancy Pelosi.

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