HolyCoast: MonkeyGate GOP Official Forgets the First Rule of Holes
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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

MonkeyGate GOP Official Forgets the First Rule of Holes

When you're in one stop digging:
The Orange County GOP official who emailed a controversial photo depicting President Barack Obama as a chimp reiterated her apology today, but also said that she didn’t consider the rendering racist and that she wasn’t sure Obama is U.S. born.

“I guess we should know his origin, shouldn’t we?” Marilyn Davenport, an elected member of the county GOP’s governing Central Committee, told a phalanx of media at a press conference in her Fullerton driveway.

Asked about the certificate of live birth released by Obama, Davenport said, “I don’t know if that’s real or not.”

On Friday, Davenport fowarded an email showing a chimp family with Obama’s face photoshopped onto the juvenile chimp with the text, “Now you know why – no birth certificate” – a reference to those who believe Obama was not U.S. born and have asked for additional proof of his citizenship.

The email went to seven fellow members of the Central Committee, including county Republican Party Chairman Scott Baugh. Baugh said the email was racist, called on Davenport to resign, and ordered the committee to perform an ethics review of the incident.

Davenport reiterated today that she had no plans to resign.

At the press conference, Davenport read the apology she issued in written form on Monday. It said, in part, “I am an imperfect Christian lady who tries her best to live a Christ-like honoring life. I would never do anything to intentionally harm or berate others regardless of ethnicity.”

Fielding questions from reporters today, she said she now understood how the email could be considered offensive but that she didn’t find it racist.

“I considered it to be political satire,” she said. “I did not send it to people I thought would be offended….

“I think it is only racist when the intent in my heart is racist, and that was not my intent.”

She said that none of her black friends had complained about the email – but upon questioning, said she had not heard from any of her black friends about it and had not asked any of them what they thought.

Baugh responded today that, “The email is racist whether she intended it or not.”
I'm beginning to think this woman is a Democrat plant. She certainly isn't doing the GOP any favors by keeping this story alive.

If she resigns from the GOP Central Committee the story has legs for one more day. They run her resignation and it's over. However, if she insists on doing what she's doing now, refusing to resign and holding ill-advised press conferences, she gives the Democrats, the media, and the Star Wars bar scene of special interest groups that are involving themselves in this story a reason to keep it alive day after day.


Ron Paul said...

Remember when the GOP stood for balanced budgets, individual freedom and isolationism.
The Republican Party has run up these deficits, we want the federal government to be in our bedrooms and between our women and their doctors, we started two wars instead of ending them like the Korean War and were supposed to stop the Vietnam War the Democrats started. We have lost our way!

So why waste our time with these fools who use their racist rhetoric, like this Marilyn Davenport and Donald Trump with his birther unproven myth, why do we allow our Fox news people to keep talking down our country. Don’t they know we can win the next election with optimism and hope instead of the current rhetoric, that the sky is falling, if we are not careful we will end up like chicken little where no one will listen to us.

Rick Moore said...

So how does "optimism and hope" differ from "hope and change"? Didn't the country try that in 2008 and how did that work out?

And if this comment is a thinly veiled pitch for Ron Paul, forget about it. A guy that will be 78 on election day is not going to be elected and it doesn't matter what craziness he believes.

Rick Moore said...

Oh, and nice try in hiding your identity, Montana. How are things down there at Palomar Community College?