HolyCoast: Name That Moron
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Friday, April 15, 2011

Name That Moron

Tomorrow Sarah Palin will be speaking at a Tea Party rally in Madison, WI, lately the home of liberal left crazy. One group is planning a counter protest. Can you guess which one wrote this:
Come one, come all, hear the call to . . .DUMP TEA! DUMP PALIN!

Please share widely. The puppets are coming, the puppets are coming! Corporate puppets Sarah Palin and "Americans" for "Prosperity" are rallying at our Wisconsin State Capitol on 4/16.

BRING PUPPETS -- sock puppets, hand puppets, marionettes, shadow puppets, finger puppets and muppets!

BRING LIBERTY BELLS -- that means cowbells, dinner bells, doorbells, jingle bells, you name it, and let's ring in Wisconsin's independence from corporate rule!

Let's show 'em how we really feel about big corporations passing the tax burden on to the rest of us!
Was is...

  • Union teachers angry the rally is on a Saturday and they can't call in sick
  • Drum circle members trying to get the band back together
  • Empty-headed University of Wisconsin students
The answer:  None of the above.  This bit of juvenile nonsense was put out by the local firefighters union.  I hope they know which end of the hose the water comes out.

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