HolyCoast: Obama Losing Ground With His Favorite Minority Groups
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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Obama Losing Ground With His Favorite Minority Groups

From Daily Caller:
Why is Obama losing cred with blacks and hispanics? -- "Though majorities of blacks (85%) and Hispanics (54%) continue to approve of the job Barack Obama is doing as president, his ratings among these groups slipped in March and have set or tied new lows," reports Gallup. "Prior to March, Obama's lowest monthly average among blacks was 88% in July 2010 and December 2010. The president's 54% March job approval rating among Hispanics ties the low from July and August 2010." Why the slip? TheDC's Mickey Kaus rounds up the theories, as well as posits one of his own: "Fernandez says inflation is beginning to bite. Malcolm suspects a general case of scales-falling-from-eyes. I nominate comprehensive immigration reform. When Obama pushes for it he alienates blacks. When he fails to achieve it he alienates Latinos. He’s done both." 
Of course, when it comes time to vote blacks will still give 95% support to Obama. The Hispanic vote is a bit more of a crapshoot.

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