HolyCoast: An Atheist Finds a Religion
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Monday, May 16, 2011

An Atheist Finds a Religion

Atheist Bill Maher might not believe in God, but he certainly has a religious belief (from Daily Caller):
Bill Maher knows lots of things about moisture -- If you lived through the tornadoes that hit Arkansas recently, it's not all bad news. At least you got to provide further "evidence" for one of the pet theories of a premium-cable loudmouth. TheDC's Jeff Poor relays Bill Maher's nonsense about it on his HBO show: "This is global warming. This is global warming – there's more moisture – it's what scientists always said. There's more moisture in the atmosphere. It's going to cause these giant disasters." Maher, who has made a career of mocking the religious faith of others, has been reduced to bleating, "Sky gods angry! Make sacrifice to sky gods!" If he had any self-awareness at all, his next movie would be called Religulous 2: Anthropogenic Boogaloo. 
ATTN: Bill, moisture does not make tornadoes. We're going to have rain in Southern California tomorrow, something that's unusual for the month of May, but we won't have any tornadoes. It takes much more dynamism in the atmosphere to product long-track tornadoes.

The combination of elements that formed over Mississippi and Alabama have occurred from time to time over the centuries and have given us several similar outbreaks, such as the one in 1974, 1932, and 1925. I don't remember global warming factoring into those outbreaks.

Maher is a classic example that even those who think they believe in nothing are not immune from the siren song of religious belief.

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