HolyCoast: California Assembly Votes for a Bill They'll Only Selectively Enforce
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Friday, May 20, 2011

California Assembly Votes for a Bill They'll Only Selectively Enforce

This is dumb and I'll tell you why in a minute:
With many California legislators endorsing a national movement to elect the president by popular vote rather than through the electoral college, the state Assembly on Thursday approved a bill that would award the state’s electoral votes to the nation’s popular-vote winner.

Seven states and the District of Columbia, with a combined 77 electoral votes, have approved similar measures so far. The law will not be activated until states totaling 270 electoral votes – the majority needed to elect a president – have such a provision on the books.

California’s bill was passed primarily by Democrats in a 51-21 vote. If approved by the Senate and signed by the governor, it would add 55 electoral votes to the pact.
California has become a very predictably blue state. Barring something unusual California will always end up in the Democrat column.

However, not all the future presidents will be Democrats and someday (maybe even next year) a Republican will get the majority of the popular vote. Does anyone seriously think that California would willingly hand over their 55 electoral votes to a Republican who didn't win the state's popular vote...especially if those votes could change the electoral winner?

Of course not. Suddenly the legislature will have a burst of renewed belief in the Constitution and the Electoral College and the votes would go to the Democrat.

This whole thing is foolish. The founders may not have created a perfect system with the Electoral College, but they did create a system which pretty effectively balances out the effect of the large population centers and the less populated states.

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