HolyCoast: Former NYC Mayor Ed Koch May Switch Parties Over Obama's Israel Stance
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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Former NYC Mayor Ed Koch May Switch Parties Over Obama's Israel Stance

Koch has always been a bit of a maverick.  You may remember that he supported the re-election of George W. Bush in 2004.  Now he's talking about a party switch over his disgust with Obama's policies which seem to seek the destruction of Israel:
In an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV, the former New York City mayor said, “Mitt Romney correctly summed it up when he said that President Obama has once again thrown Israel under the bus.

“I believe this is the most dangerous and critical period that Israel has ever faced and regrettably it does not have the support of the President of the United States, which in past difficult situations it could count on.”

Koch, who crossed party lines to support President George W. Bush against John Kerry in 2004 due to his foreign policy stance, said he would do it again. All it would take is the right candidate.

“I’m a Democrat. I support the Democratic domestic philosophy and policies and will always be supportive of them,” said Koch, mayor of America’s largest city from 1978-89. “But I have no hesitation in crossing party lines when I think America’s interests demand that I cross party lines.

“I supported President Obama, believing he would be good on foreign policy, particularly with respect to the support of Israel. It turned out badly.”
The former mayor has been very tough when it comes to terrorists, which explains his support for Bush in 2004. It also explains his disgust with Obama and policies that would effectively disarm Israel in the face of its enemies.

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