HolyCoast: Nerd Prom Becomes All About Trump and Obama's Gonna Pay
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Sunday, May 01, 2011

Nerd Prom Becomes All About Trump and Obama's Gonna Pay

The White House Correspondent Dinner, otherwise known as "Nerd Prom", used to be the night when the president let his hair down and told jokes on himself followed by a celebrity who more or less roasted him.  That all changed when "The One Who Must Not Be Mocked" became president and suddenly comedians could not think of any cutting comedic remarks about the president.  Instead the event is now about attacking the president's political enemies while the president looks on an guffaws.

Donald Trump, who's been a major thorn in the side of Obama lately, was present when both Obama and comedian Seth Meyers went after him.  Big mistake, not on The Donald's part, but on Obama and his cronies as Glenn Reynolds explains:
You don’t punish Donald Trump by giving him attention. A more experienced politician would know that. Nor is building Trump up good for Obama — Trump has actually hurt him more than all the others combined. Because, you know, Trump has actually been willing to criticize him without being afraid of the Big Media retribution. The various traditional GOP candidates still have the old cringe-reflex where Big Media criticism is concerned.
Trump is completely unencumbered by a fear of the media. In his book any publicity is good publicity and attacking him as they did last night will only harden his resolve to continue to plague Obama with questions about his past.

My guess is the chances of a Donald Trump candidacy went up after last night's performance.

William Jacobsen was completely unimpressed by last night's performance and offers a comparison with a similar event when Bush was president.  Big difference.

1 comment:

Nightingale said...

To publicly ridicule Trump makes me think Obama is worried about something.