HolyCoast: Today's Quick Hit Headlines
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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Today's Quick Hit Headlines

Some quick hits on today's headlines:
North Carolina Looks to Ease Ban on Rare Burgers
No more Unicorn for you!

OBAMA: 'Limited' US Role in Libyan War Means No Need For Congressional Authorization...
Obama: Limited Ability as President Means No Need for Election

New Details Emerge of Radical Imam's Lunch at the Pentagon...
He had the pulled pork.

Woman Threatens Dairy Queen Employees with a Grenade...
If you want extra candy on your Blizzard, just ask.

UNITED AIRLINES ad at Ground Zero: 'You're going to like where we land'...
To the marketing guy who approved that placement - you're not going to like where you're going to land.

Miami Shatters Multiple Tourism Records In 2010...
I misread that.  I thought it said Multiple Tourist Murder Records

Daniels gets 16 stitches to forehead after hit by swinging door...
God's trying to tell him either to get in or get out.

Netanyahu rejects 1967 borders...
Suggests U.S. goes back to 1958 borders so we can resurrect that whole Birther thing.

Questions swirl around two-tour Iraqi vet shot 60 times by AZ SWAT team...
This is the same Sheriff that tried to blame Sarah Palin for the Tucson shootings.


Sam L. said...

"North Carolina Looks to Ease Ban on Rare Burgers
No more Unicorn for you!"
Legal, but Rare.

Nightingale said...

"OBAMA: 'Limited' US Role in Libyan War Means No Need For Congressional Authorization..."

Guess no war is illegal for this president.