HolyCoast: The Abysmal Democrat Leadership
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Friday, June 24, 2011

The Abysmal Democrat Leadership

Emmett Tyrrell takes a look at political leadership in America and doesn't like what he's seeing:
The standards of leadership have declined abysmally, especially in the Democratic Party. In its upper tiers, there is not a person who could match Truman, Adlai Stevenson, John Kennedy, Hubert Humphrey, to say nothing of Franklin D. Roosevelt. The 1960s generation - the Clintons, Gore, John Kerry, et al. - were a bust. They quite possibly set the stage for an even more inferior generation led by Mr. Obama. Think of it. From Mr. Carter to Mr. Obama, the Democrats have led a motley string of trivial figures onto the national stage.
Tyrrell also wonders why there is no party challenger to an incompetent Democrat president. Good question. Frankly, I think the Democrats are scared of their own rhetoric and are afraid to be called racist for daring to challenge a black president.

They probably also realize that a strong challenge to Obama would really open the doors for the GOP, especially since a challenger would be required to state the obvious facts about Obama's record in office.

I still think Hillary Clinton could win the nomination with ease if she just decided to go for it.  Hard to believe she doesn't really want the job.

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