HolyCoast: Congressional Job Wanted: Anywhere But in Anthony Weiner's Office
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Monday, June 13, 2011

Congressional Job Wanted: Anywhere But in Anthony Weiner's Office

This may be the most telling sign that the crotch-tweeting congressman will not be back (from Big Government):
BigGovernment has learned from a confidential source on Capitol Hill that, starting tomorrow, Rep. Weiner’s DC staff will depart for other Congressional offices. According to our source, staff from Democrat leadership assembled Rep. Weiner’s staff and offered to assist them finding positions in other offices. Finding positions for everyone in Weiner’s DC office could take a week or two.

“Leadership said they understood that the staff had been lied to,” our source told BigGovernment. “But, they appreciated that the staff had been troopers and wouldn’t be left without jobs. They also made it clear that they didn’t think Rep. Weiner would be back in Congress.”

Rep. Weiner may not resign his congressional seat, but it may resign from him.
The story was posted yesterday, so the staff is making the rounds to other congressional offices today. Given the new photos that were released yesterday of Weiner showing his shortcomings in the House gym, it would be hard to believe that anyone would want to continue working for this reprobate.

There is word that he might finally be considering resignation. If he does, you can be sure the whole "therapy" thing will be over. However, I seriously believe he would be a suicide risk.


Larry said...

You'll be able to tell where Wiener's former staff got jobs by poking around the congressional offices -when the police intercept you in the hallway, you just left their new boss's office.

Sam L. said...

The therapy he needs is a lot of whacks from a clue bat.