HolyCoast: Hope and Change in Chicago
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Monday, June 13, 2011

Hope and Change in Chicago

Looks like new mayor Rahm Emanuel still has some work to do in Chicago:
Crime in downtown Chicago has gotten so out of control, Major League Baseball is taking precautions.

Fraternal Order of Police spokesman Pat Camden joined WLS Radio's Don Wade and Roma Monday where he said "it's a crying shame."

"Unfortunately, we have a situation downtown that has occured to Major League Baseball is warning their teams about downtown Chicago," Camden said.
During a recent heat wave Rahm ordered the lakefront beaches shut down, reputedly because people were have heat-related illnesses. Well, of course, it didn't make much sense to close the coolest place in the area on a sweltering day. What was really going on was something like 2,000 gang members, possibly organized by various social networks like Twitter and Facebook, had gone to the lake to cause problems. Those mob-style attacks have continued around Chicago and that's what's causing the warning from Major League Baseball.

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