HolyCoast: Is the Catholic Church Run by a Bunch of Wimps?
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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Is the Catholic Church Run by a Bunch of Wimps?

Or do they really believe what they preach? Take a look at this item from the New York gay marriage vote:
Sen. Mark Grisanti, a GOP freshman from Buffalo who also had been undecided, also voted for the bill. Grisanti said he could not deny anyone what he called basic rights.

"I apologize to those I offend," said Grisanti, a Roman Catholic. "But I believe you can be wiser today than yesterday. I believe this state needs to provide equal rights and protections for all its residents," he said.
Did Sen. Grisanti violate the tenets of his church? Is the Catholic church now pro-gay marriage?  If Sen. Grisanti's actions violate church policy, will they do anything about it?  Does the Senator really have anything to fear because of this vote?  You'd think Catholics would come under some sort of church discipline or perhaps even excommunication over clear violations of church teachings.

But for years I've watched as "Catholic" liberal politicians have literally gotten away with murder by promoting abortion. Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, Teddy Kennedy...and many, many others. The church just sits on their hands and allows their members to publicly flaunt their beliefs and church rules. Why? Because they don't want to upset powerful politicians, or because their beliefs don't really mean anything. They're only for the "little people".

Just asking.  Maybe some Catholic readers can enlighten me.


Nightingale said...

Read Calcatholic.com. There are a lot of solid Roman Catholics that feel as you do. Denver's Archbishop Chaput has come under a lot of fire for standing up to the liberal influence in the Catholic church.

I'm Anglican Catholic, and our diocese broke away from the Episcopal church and it's social gospel...small g intended.

Larry said...

As a Catholic, I wish the church would grow a pair too. If the liberals who call themselves Catholic aren't excommunicated then the teachings are meaningless. It's way past time for the Pope to 'flex the pimp-hand' as they say.