HolyCoast: The Marriage Agenda
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Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Marriage Agenda

Ace has some great thoughts on how the whole gay marriage agenda has been moved forward:
Gay marriage has been achieved in some states (and coming soon, to all states) through a series of tactical arguments, and by tactical arguments, I mean dishonest ones.

Scalia objected to Anthony Kennedy's claim that the Constitution forbade any distinction whatsoever in heterosexual and homosexual conduct, stating that this ruling would in short order be used as a basis for arguing a positive Constitutional right to gay marriage.

Pish-posh, the gay lobby said; it will do no such thing. It is simply the deletion of an odious and unjustifiable remnant of the law.

Flash forward just five or six years later and the removal of any distinction between gay and straight sex is used as the basis for arguing a positive Constitutional right to gay marriage.

Similarly we were told we had no need of a Constitutional Marriage Amendment, because DOMA would protect states from having gay marriage forced upon them by lawsuit. The lawsuit chain would be thus: gay marriage is granted in one state; the couple moves to a state where gay marriage does not exist; the couple sues the state on the theory that the Full Faith and Credit clause of the Constitution demands that one state respect the marriage contract of another.

Well, right now Obama is talking up repeal of that provision, which would in very short order impose gay marriage by lawsuit on all fifty states.
There's more and it's all good - read it here.

John Nolte went on quite a Twitter spree last night on how the next target of the gay rights lobby will be the church.  Here are some of his tweets:
The Left's end-game with same-sex marriage is the next stage: destroy the church with discrimination charges.

The Left is never done or satisfied. End-game is destruction of family, church. With gay marriage legalized, Churches r next target. Watch.

The goal with same-sex marriage has always been to dismantle Church with discrimination laws, lawsuits. Watch.

Wait till the Left & MSM start to ponder if Church refusing to marry same-sex couples is discrimination, same as racial. Watch.

This is what I'm talking about. MT @CatholicKey: "some will attempt to enact government sanctions against churches" http://bit.ly/iniICT /

Same Leftists call me crazy now within a year will be nodding their heads in agreement when discrimination argument raised against Church.

Before year is out discrimination lawsuits demanding Church perform same-sex marriages will be filed. Watch.

Those of you saying effective lawsuits against Church can't happen in America were saying the same thing about SSM in 1999. Wake up.

Left using SSM as wedge to wage war against Church began 3yrs ago. MSM ignores for obvious reasons: n.pr/jgGQV3
He was on a roll. If you're on Twitter you should be following him (and me).

Don't ever think that gay marriage is the final goal of the activists.

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