HolyCoast: The New York Times(tanic) Gets a New Skipper
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Friday, June 03, 2011

The New York Times(tanic) Gets a New Skipper

Well, somebody's got to go down with the ship.  Might as well be the first female executive editor.  Powerline has an interesting quote:
Yesterday Drudge linked to the New York Times story announcing the appointment of Jill Abramson to succeed Bill Keller as the top dog at the Times. I read the story and was amused by Abramson's expression of delight: "In my house growing up, The Times substituted for religion. If The Times said it, it was the absolute truth."

That is an incredibly rich quote. The Times serves as the perfect stand-in for liberalism, not just supposed journalistic excellence. It is a substitute religion that comes in several forms. (Over at NRO, Jay Nordlingercommented briefly on the quote.)

A funny thing happened on the way to shul, as we say in Yiddish. The Times has scrubbed the quote from the story.
All the news that's fit to print, huh?

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