HolyCoast: Political Quote of the Day
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Friday, June 03, 2011

Political Quote of the Day

From Texas Rep. David Simpson (R) regarding the Texas bill that would restrict the TSA's invasive groping techniques and the TSA's threat to cancel all flights in Texas if it's enacted:
"175 years ago in the first battle of the Texas Revolution against Mexico, a small band of Texans stood in defiance at Gonzalez, turning back the attempt to deprive them of their weapon of defense, a single cannon," he wrote in a letter to Perry, Dewhurst, Texas House Speaker Joe Straus and Attorney General Gregg Abbott.

"Gentlemen, we find ourselves at such a watershed moment today," Simpson continued. "The federal government is attempting to deprive the citizens of Texas of their constitutional rights under the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution and Article 1, Section 9 of the Texas Constitution. If we do not stand for our citizens in the face of this deprivation of their personal rights and dignity, who will?"
The TSA thinks they'll win this via the supremacy clause of the Constitution. I'm not so sure. A challenge on 10th amendment grounds might be successful. And there's nothing in the Constitution that gives the TSA the right to ignore 4th amendment protections.

And if the TSA actually banned flight in Texas, I think you'd see a revolution unlike any other very, very quickly.

1 comment:

Sam L. said...

I betcha the airlines have a LOT of lawyers and advocates in D.C. Then there are the pilots' unions, mechanics, flight attendants, and others I know not of.

Can you say "firestorm", boys and girls? Yes, I thought you could.