HolyCoast: Weiner May Have Saved NY Democrats a Lot of Trouble
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Monday, June 06, 2011

Weiner May Have Saved NY Democrats a Lot of Trouble

First this factoid from National Journal:
As National Journal has reported, there could be serious political implications for Democrats if Weiner resigns or is challenged for his seat. His district, which spans Queens and Brooklyn, trended more Republican than any other district in the country from the 2000 to the 2008 presidential election.
New York is losing a congressional district thanks to the falling numbers in the last census. Given the information above and Weiner's embarrassing display today, would it not make sense to redistrict him out of Congress rather than have to defend him in another election?

And from @daveweigel:
Pelosi calls for ethics investigation, which means every other Democrat gets some cover and nothing will ever happen to Weiner
Too true.


Sam L. said...

On the other hand, it is a Republican House--and Ethics Committee. Likely also a drawback.

ajlounyinjurylaw said...

Ugh...talk about career suicide.