HolyCoast: What Kind of Pictures Should You Be Sending?
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Thursday, June 02, 2011

What Kind of Pictures Should You Be Sending?

The Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY and NYC Mayor Wannabe) episode has been enlightening for men looking for ways to impress women.  The "Weiner Way" is not the answer:
 WaPo dames say nix to pix of dix -- If you think sending that special someone a photograph of your erect penis is a good idea, think again. WaPo's Monica Hesse asked a few average, ordinary American women -- such as a lawyer in Washington, a porn photographer in San Francisco, and a "women's sexual function" psychologist in Las Vegas -- what sorts of pictures they'd most like to get from a man. Their answers: a made bed with rose petals on it, folded laundry, a clean refrigerator, a hand holding a pan that was just used to cook dinner, and a shelf of books organized alphabetically and by genre. So according to the Washington Post, women prefer pictures from gay guys. Lori Ziganto of RedState.com has a better idea: "FYI, dudes. Junk pics are *never* enticing. If you want to pick up a dame, send her a pic of yourself killing a spider or mowing a lawn." 
There you go.

And as far as clearing his name, Weiner doesn't seem to want any help from the usual law enforcement authorities. Wouldn't it only be natural that he'd want to catch the culprit who has made him look so bad? Maybe not:
On "The Early Show" Thursday, CBS News Legal Analyst Jack Ford said if he's not pursuing official assistance in this situation, it's about not getting wrapped up official statements.

"If I'm a lawyer, and I'm representing a politician, in general, it's not against the law to lie to the media. It's not against the law to lie to your constituents. It is against the law to lie to law enforcement authorities," he said. "Martha Stewart went to jail not for insider trading, but for lying. Barry Bonds gets charged, goes to trial, not for using steroids - for lying about it. So if I'm a lawyer looking at a case such as this, I'm going to be real careful before I let my clients talk to law enforcement authorities, because I don't want to find my client, you know, jammed up here criminally because, despite what happened here, they're not telling the truth."

1 comment:

Sam L. said...

I found an article saying Playgirl claimed a circulation of 500.000 (unaudited), and that was dated
Feb.1, 1998.

And as they say in the legal biz, discovery can be a bear.