HolyCoast: Is the GOP About to Get Snookered on Taxes?
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Saturday, July 09, 2011

Is the GOP About to Get Snookered on Taxes?

James Pethokoukis is concerned.  In summary:
All very confusing, but the best I can make of it is this: higher taxes now in exchange for a promise of tax cuts later to be “paid for” by reducing tax breaks/deductions/loopholes with perhaps some of that money going toward deficit reduction.
If the GOP makes a bad deal they'll lose their base. You'll see donations to the RNC dry up and I wouldn't be surprised to see a third party candidate from the Tea Party movement gain significant support. It will pretty much guarantee Obama's re-election.

Boehner cannot give up. He must hold the line on taxes. He'll destroy his party if he doesn't. Conservatives will have no more use for the GOP if he blows it.

1 comment:

Sam L. said...

I got a call from some Repub group this week asking for money. I told them I was waiting to see what they did on the debt ceiling and spending before I'd give them money.