HolyCoast: Rather Than Take a Vacation, Why Don't You Just Pay Down the National Debt
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Friday, July 08, 2011

Rather Than Take a Vacation, Why Don't You Just Pay Down the National Debt

Have too much money lying around?  Think you'd rather pay down the national debt than take your family on a vacation or buy a corporate jet?  Here's your chance (from Sovereign Man):
HR 2411 states that every worker in America should be able to voluntarily have a portion of his/her wages automatically withheld and sent directly to the Treasury Department for the purposes of paying down the federal debt.

“Every employer making payment of wages shall deduct and withhold upon such wages any amounts so elected, and shall pay such amounts over to the Secretary of the Treasury…”

That’s right. Uncle Sam is so broke that he wants to give all the good little Americans out there the opportunity to contribute an even greater portion of their paychecks to finance government largess.

Desperate? Hmmm…. Don’t worry, it gets better.

Obviously, if an employee feels so compelled and should elect to have a portion of his/her paycheck withheld, the onus of responsibility is now on the employer to make it happen. The employer has to do all the paperwork, withhold the money, send the payment to the Treasury, maintain the account records, and probably submit to all kinds of new filing requirements.
Dead on arrival. If Democrats were serious about the deficit they'd stop spending instead of introducing stupid bills like this.

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