HolyCoast: Second Version of Boehner's Plan Might Actually Do What He Said It Will Do
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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Second Version of Boehner's Plan Might Actually Do What He Said It Will Do

The first pass at John Boehner's debt plan didn't fare well at the CBO, but the new improved version looks better and is probably likely to pass the House today. From there, who knows? From Daily Caller:
CBO likes Boehner's revised plan -- The CBO didn't have good things to say about John Boehner's debt-ceiling plan the first time around, but the second time's the charm. TheDC's Amanda Carey reports: "The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Wednesday evening released its score of House Speaker John Boehner's revamped plan to cut spending and increase the debt ceiling. The prognosis: the new version is a vast improvement. According to the CBO, Boehner's cuts now exceed the amount by which his plan would initially raise the debt ceiling. The analysis concludes that his proposal would cut and cap spending by $917 billion over ten years — slightly more than the $900 billion and first debt ceiling increase permitted under the Boehner plan. It would also cut $22 billion in spending over the next year, and reduce discretionary expenditures each year thereafter. Boehner's new plan also requires Congress to propose at least another $1.8 trillion in spending cuts." So of course, Senate Democrats are vowing to vote it down, and if it gets past them, Obama is vowing to veto it. Remember all that business about not calling his bluff? It doesn't seem to be working out the way he wanted. 
At this point, if this is the best we can get, Boehner should get the bill passed and then inform the Dems and Obama that the House is done. Since nothing has come from the Senate or Obama, they can take this plan or they can default.

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