HolyCoast: Teaching Gay History Now the Law in CA
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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Teaching Gay History Now the Law in CA

Of course it is. Sen. Mark Lend (D-Crotch) finally succeeded in his lifelong obsession to make historical heroes out of gay people who would have otherwise been rightfully ignored by historians. Under a law signed today by Gov. Moonbeam, social studies curriculum must now include historical contributions from lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgendered, intra-species and bi-solar system people.

We can no longer just teach history, we have to teach hyphenated history (black, gay, hispanic, women's...etc.). Of course, any out-and-proud gay person who has done something of historical significance is already in our history books, but that's never been enough for the crotch-obsessed Leno. Now, if a publisher wants his textbook picked up in CA he'll have to dig up some obscure LGBTIB person and inflate their historical significance to justify their inclusion in the textbook.

This whole thing just confirms for me that the so-called political "leaders" in the gay movement not only suffer from an unhealthy obsesion with their crotch, but a massive inferiority complex as well.

It's yet another reason I'm glad my kids are out of public (or maybe wd should just change it to pubic) school. 

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