HolyCoast: Jon Huntsman Goes Scorched Earth On People Who Can Actually Win
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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Jon Huntsman Goes Scorched Earth On People Who Can Actually Win

Jon Huntsman has given up.  He knows he's not going to be the nominee, so the next best thing is to seek out some mainstream media love by going scorched earth on Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, Mitt Romney, and possibly Sarah Palin if it looks like she'll get in.  In other words, savage the people who might actually be able to win.

He'll be on the Sunday shows this morning and I guarantee you the hosts will treat him as a visiting god.  There's no better way to get in the good graces of the liberal media than to bash Republicans, especially if you claim to be one.

I fully expect that once he finally gives up the race within a short time he'll either switch to independent or possibly go all the way to Democrat and will give one of those speeches about how there's no room in the party for RINOs like him.

Well, there isn't.  Not as a national candidate, anyway.

UPDATE:  He might be a national candidate after all - Obama's running mate.

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