HolyCoast: Orca-Americans File Suit Against Sea World for Slavery
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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Orca-Americans File Suit Against Sea World for Slavery

Oh brother:
A federal court is being asked to grant constitutional rights to five killer whales who perform at marine parks — an unprecedented and perhaps quixotic legal action that is nonetheless likely to stoke an ongoing, intense debate at America’s law schools over expansion of animal rights.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is accusing the SeaWorld parks of keeping five star-performer whales in conditions that violate the 13th Amendment ban on slavery. SeaWorld depicted the suit as baseless.
Here's a suggestion: Slavery or sushi, your choice, Shamu.

You know what's coming next. They'll be asking for reparations.

I guess the dolphins weren't allowed to join the lawsuit because they're not black.

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