HolyCoast: Political/Music Video of the Day
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Monday, October 03, 2011

Political/Music Video of the Day

This video mixes two of my passions - politics and Southern Gospel Music.  Fox News did a piece on the National Quartet Convention which includes interviews with several people I know, and some comments about the current regulatory situation that makes it hard just to set up a business, even a gospel group:

I won't name them here, but I'm also friends on Facebook with a number of the people interviewed in the piece and some have been very outspoken with their political beliefs and anger at the policies being promoted by Democrats and especially Obama.

Much of the Southern Gospel audience is seniors who use their disposable income to travel to events like this, as well as other concerts around the country. With their retirement investments hit hard, it's tougher for those people to travel and attend events like the National Quartet Convention.

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