HolyCoast: A Liberal By Any Other Name....
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Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Liberal By Any Other Name....

Still stinks:
 'Liberal' label unpopular, just like liberals -- TheDC's Neil Munro reports: "The Democrats’ newest ideological label — 'progressive' — has a 67 percent approval among Americans, far higher than the recognized and rejected 'socialist' and 'liberal' labels, says a new poll released by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press. However, the conservative label wins a 62 percent approval from the 1,521 people polled by the Pew, despite Democrats’ prevalence in the education, culture and media sectors, and despite the sympathetic media coverage given during the fall to the Occupy Wall Street protesters." The terms "Marxist," "whiny little crybaby" and "closet authoritarian who wasn't hugged enough as a child" also scored low marks among poll respondents.
The term "progressive" is such a misnomer because progressive implies something new, and yet there's nothing new about progressive politics. Socialism and Marxism have been around for at least 100 years that's all progressive policies are.

1 comment:

Sam L. said...

They can change change the packaging and labeling, but it's still the same old BS in the box. As has been said, there's a sucker born every minute.