HolyCoast: Muslim Nations Working With the U.S. State Department to Silence Criticism of Islam
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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Muslim Nations Working With the U.S. State Department to Silence Criticism of Islam

Why would our State Department ever agree to a meeting like this?
Not All Muslims want you to shut up -- See if you can spot the irony from the very first sentence of this report from TheDC's Neil Munro:

"The State Department began a three-day, closed-door meeting Monday to talk about U.S. free speech rules with representatives from numerous Islamic governments that have lobbied for 12 years to end U.S. citizens' ability to speak freely about Islam's history and obligations."

That's right: a closed-door meeting about free speech! Munro continues:

"Free speech advocates slammed the event as an effort to gradually curb public criticism of Islam, but it was defended by Hannah Rosenthal, who heads the agency's office to curb anti-Semitism. The meeting is a great success, she said, because governments in the multinational Organisation for Islamic Cooperation have dropped their demand that criticism of Islamic ideas be treated as illegal defamation. Member countries include Pakistan, Iran, Saudia Arabia and Qatar. In exchange for dropping the demand, she said, they're getting 'technical assistance [to] build institutions to ensure there will be religious freedom' in their countries, she told The Daily Caller... 'That's a joke,' said Andrea Lafferty, a conservative activist who was repeatedly denied information about the meeting... The more realistic explanation for the three-day event, Lafferty said, is that administration officials, progressives and OIC officials are tacitly cooperating to gradually stigmatize speech that is critical of Islam. Lafferty pointed to a July statement by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in which she said that free speech will be protected, but the U.S. government will 'use some old-fashioned techniques of peer pressure and shaming, so that people don't feel that they have the support to do what we abhor.'"

In other words, say things they don't like. Criticizing religion is bad, unless the religion is Judaism. Or Christianity.
Between the Muslim world's attempts to silence Americans, and the UN's attempts to disarm them, we've got to pray that we get a new president in the next election...someone who actually is on our side.

1 comment:

Larry said...

The Muslim Brotherhood has their people working in the White House. Hezbollah mysteriously finds out who among them is working for the CIA. Now the State Department is doing this?

“They’re getting ‘technical assistance [to] build institutions to ensure there will be religious freedom’ in their countries.”

Sounds like they're making plans to form a coalition that can be the beginnings of a framework that will be a model blueprint for future endeavors -but right now we need you westerners to shut up.