HolyCoast: Not Content to Stop With Our Presidential Candidates, Reuters Starts Attacking Our VP Hopefuls
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Friday, January 27, 2012

Not Content to Stop With Our Presidential Candidates, Reuters Starts Attacking Our VP Hopefuls

From the Daily Caller:
Reuters Ravages Rubio -- In some ways, the Republican primary could be seen as the race to be Marco Rubio's running mate -- at least, most people think he is the leading candidate for the job no matter who wins the GOP nomination. The first term Florida senator is already a superstar with what appears to be a very bright future. So it comes as no surprise that some are trying to tear him down. But in a recent hit piece on him in Reuters, TheDC's Matt Lewis documented at least 7 major errors, many of which were related to the fact that Rubio isn't particularly wealthy --- at least by U.S. Senate standards. Lewis notes how Republican politicians can't win --- they get attacked for being rich, they get attacked for being poor: 

"Aside from the inaccuracies, it is interesting to note that Rubio’s debt is seen as a liability. Mitt Romney is frequently criticized by the media for being so wealthy that he’s out of touch with the common man. Meanwhile, Rubio — like most Americans — has faced financial difficulty — and yet that is also somehow a liability? Is there a magic amount of wealth that is just right? "
Yes, whatever amount Obama has. That will be considered by the press as the perfect amount of money and debt a person should have.  Anyone else will be deemed deficient.

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