HolyCoast: Lefties: The Government Has to Mandate Free Contraceptives In Order to Stop Global Warming
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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Lefties: The Government Has to Mandate Free Contraceptives In Order to Stop Global Warming

The ironically named blog Think Progress says that free contraceptives are part of the war on global warming:
Any morally acceptable pathway to prevent catastrophic global warming includes broad access to affordable birth control for the world’s women. The conservative war on birth control is a war on women’s rights, and thus on the rights of us all. Man-made global warming is one of the most troubling symptoms of economic and social injustice around the planet, and the ”countries in the developing world least responsible for the growing emissions are likely to experience the heaviest impact of climate change, with women bearing the greatest toll.”
I think the government should provide free...and mandatory...sterilization for all liberals and we can be rid of the whole bunch of them in a generation.

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