HolyCoast: DNC and Their Handmaidens in the Media Selectively Edit Romney
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Sunday, April 01, 2012

DNC and Their Handmaidens in the Media Selectively Edit Romney

Just as NBC selectively edited George Zimmerman to make his 911 call sound racist, they've also edited Mitt Romney to make it sounds like he's an advocate of something he opposed:
The Democratic National Committee has released a web ad purporting to show Gov. Mitt Romney in 2008 advocating for an individual mandate at the federal level. This would, of course, be a devastating "smoking gun" proving that Romney had explicitly endorsed and even campaigned on "ObamaCare" before it was an unconstitutional glimmer in Barack Obama's eye.

The problem with the video the DNC has released (and which has been picked up by their reliable minions including Ezra Klein at the Washington Post, Huffington Post, and Talking Points Memo) is that the excerpt from a Jan 5, 2008 New Hampshire debate is selectively edited and does not include an exculpatory moment one minute later where Gov. Romney clearly and unequivocally states he would NOT be in favor of an individual mandate at the federal level.
There are videos at the post.

Frankly, Mitt Romney has enough problems. You wouldn't think they'd have to make stuff up.

1 comment:

Sam L. said...

But, making things up is what they do. First item in their business plan.